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  • TRAA Member Exhibition 2025

    RAA welcomes entries for the Annual Juried Art Exhibit in the Bank of the Arts Gallery.

    The Exhibition Theme this year is …

    *This exhibition is for TRAA Members only. Please complete member registration
    HERE before submitting your application if you are not already a member. You may also pay and become a member when dropping off your piece(s) at the exhibition on April 5th.

    The show will be hung on April 11th and be on exhibition until May 3rd.

    Please join us for the TRAA Reception during the Art Walk on April 11th from 5-8pm at the Bank of the Arts.

    Deadline for applications is no later than …. Applicants may submit 2 pieces of artwork for the show. The cost to submit two pieces is $25.

    Drop off at Harrison Center is Saturday April 5th, from 11:00am to 3:00pm.
    Pick up is …

    Our 2025 Juror is …


  • TRAA Member Exhibition- April 5 - May 2 2023

    TRAA welcomes entries for the Annual Juried Art Exhibit in the Bank of the Arts Gallery.

    The Exhibition Theme this year is “SPRING”, Have fun with it!!

    *This exhibition is for TRAA Members only. Please complete member registration
    HERE before submitting your application if you are not already a member. You may also pay and become a member when dropping off your piece(s) at the exhibition on April 1st.

    The show will be hung on April 5th and be on exhibition until May 2nd. Please join us for the TRAA Reception during the Art Walk on April 14th at 5:30pm.

    Deadline for applications is no later than Friday, March 31st, 2023. Applicants may submit up to 2 pieces of artwork for the show. The cost to submit artwork is $20.

    Drop off at BOA is Saturday April 1st, from 10:00am to 3:00.
    Pick up is Friday May 5th, from 10:00am-1:00pm.

    Our 2023 Juror is Lewis Braswell.
    Lewis Braswell is a Goldsboro native and began volunteering with the Arts Council of Wayne County in 2006 and has remained involved throughout the years. Lewis’s calling to the ACWC stemmed from the position it held in our community. The ACWC has provided education and resource opportunities to artists in Wayne County for almost 60 years! One of his goals for the remainder of the year is spending more time in the presence of great art around the world. In doing so, he has launched two exhibitions since May of 2022 which are “43rd Annual National Juried Art Show” and “Art Around the World”. Lewis is very eager to utilize his knowledge and talent to help The Arts Council of Wayne County exceed its goal in supporting the arts in Wayne County. 

    An interesting fact about Lewis is that his ancestors migrated from London to the American Colonies in 1650 and have been living in the south east ever since.


  • ROY G BIV 2023 at the Bank of The Arts

    ROY G BIV (click to link to exhibition website)

    CAC&G is excited to once again host ROY G BIV in the Main Gallery! Each artist will receive a 12”x12” cradled board and select a color randomly. Artists will then utilize hues, shades, tints and tones of that color as the primary palette for the work. Each panel in the Main Gallery at Bank of the Arts will be filled with works featuring that color, creating a rainbow that moves across the gallery. Colors selected for the exhibition will be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet (purple), white, and black. All works will be judged for a chance to win one of seven cash prizes, and artist may sell their work on a 60/40 split in the artist’s favor.

    Important Dates
    Sign up: April 7
    Drop Off: April 28, 29
    Exhibition: May 1-31, 2022
    ArtWalk Reception: May 12, 2023
    Awards Announced at 6pm
    Pick Up: May 26 & 27, 2023

    1st Place $250
    2nd Place $100
    3rd Place $50
    Honorable Mentions (4) $25

  • Plein Air Art Festival New Bern 2023

    May 14- 21, 2023
    Visit or here for more info.
    The 3rd Annual North Carolina Plein Air Art Festival in historic New Bern begins Sunday, May 14, and continues through May 21. The eight-day Festival showcases 35 nationally and globally acclaimed plein air artists, including 15 newly juried painters, joining 20 award winners and top performers from 2022’s Festival.“The term ‘plein air’ is French and means ‘open air’,” said Kippy Hammond, Festival organizer. “Plein air painting can be traced back to Impressionist artists such as Monet, Renoir, and Degas – painting outdoors and capturing fleeting moments of light, color, atmosphere, and the mood of a scene, rather than detailed representations.

    Painting venues include historic New Bern, the first capital of North Carolina; Beaufort, the home of the North Carolina Maritime Museum; and Oriental, the sailing capital of North Carolina. In addition, artists will choose more sites and landscapes in Craven, Carteret, and Pamlico Counties.

    According to Hammond, artists will create approximately 400 paintings featuring local scenes, subjects, and vistas, in a friendly competition to win the Best of Show Koffenberger Award, plus other prominent awards and recognition.Festival attendees will have numerous opportunities to meet and talk with the artists, including using a real-time cell phone app showing the locations of featured painters each day. In addition, youth and adult amateur artists can meet with the pros and compete for ribbons and cash awards in the annual Quick Paint competition.

    Festival headquarters, including demonstrations, workshops, art displays, and sales, will be based in historic New Bern’s Farmers Market, less than two blocks from Tryon Palace. In addition, pop-up exhibits and art sales will happen in Beaufort and Oriental, with location details, dates, and times on the NC Plein Air website. All activities are free except the workshops, Saturday’s awards celebration, and a modest fee for artists to enter the Quick Paint competition (no charge for spectators).Workshops include award-winning plein air artists Suzie Baker of Texas, past president of the Oil Painters of America, and James Richards of Georgia, regarded as one of the top oil painters in the nation. Both are renowned American Impressionist painters and in-demand instructors conducting workshops across the United States and Europe.

    “Plein air is a popular form of art and recreational activity influenced by the rise in global tourism,” said Hammond. “Artists are interested in capturing the essence of a particular place and time and celebrating the world’s beauty. Plein air painters typically work in oils, watercolors, or pastels.”

    Plein Air New Bern is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization expanding opportunities for individuals to Be a Part of Art in their communities. Artists commit a portion of all Festival art sales to support the mission of Plein Air New Bern.
    -New Bern Now-

  • Artisan Market - April 1 & 2, 2023

    Please join us for the 2023 Artisan Market featured at the New Bern Home & Outdoor Expo! The 2023 annual event takes place on Saturday, April 1 & Sunday, April 2 at the New Bern Riverfront Convention Center. Over 2500 people attended the 2022 Expo. We look forward to another successful event in 2023!

  • TRAA Members Show Series 2022

    1.Submit for approval:
    Submit image of each piece of artwork to no later then Aug. 29th, 2022 for approval.
    *Artwork must be 16x20” or smaller

    2.Drop off artwork:
    Bring approved artwork to the library side door, under carport, on Aug. 31, 10am-12pm.

    3.Identify artwork:
    Make sure a card is attached to the front of each piece with artist name, contact number and email, title of piece, & price.
    *Art pieces must have wire hangers.*

    4.Sale of artwork:
    Buyer must contact artist to purchase directly from artist. Artist must arrange payment and pickup of artwork with buyer. Library does not sell artwork or take payments.

    TRAA will collect 20% of the sale price from the artist for each piece sold.

    Only 30 pieces of art will be accepted per month.

    Work will be hung in main entrance through to where books are located and some pieces may be hung around the sides. Artwork may be viewed during library hours:
    Library Hours:
    Mon + Tues + Thurs: 9am - 8pm
    Wed: 12pm-8pm
    Fri + Sat: 9am -6pm
    Sunday: CLOSED

  • R O Y G B I V

    Craven Arts Council & Gallery is seeking artists for the upcoming Main Gallery exhibition, ROY G BIV, for the month of May. ROY G BIV tasks artists with taking a cradled board, selecting a color from a hat, and using their creativity to create a one-of-a-kind piece featuring the selected color as the dominant color in the piece.

    ROYGBIV is an exhibition showcasing the use of color. Artists will receive a 12” x 12” cradled board and select a color from a hat. Each work will utilize hues, tones, tints and shades of that color as the primary palette for the work. Each panel in the Main Gallery at the Bank of the Arts will be filled with works featuring one color, creating a spectrum that moves across the gallery. Colors selected for the exhibition will be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet (purple), white and black.

    All works will be judged for a chance to win one of seven prizes. Artists who are interested may enter in person or online for a fee of $20 for CAC&G members and $25 for nonmembers. Cradled boards can be picked up at the Bank of the Arts or shipped at an additional fee of $8.

    Each artist who enters must drop off or ship their completed piece to the Bank of the Arts by April 30. Craven Art Council & Gallery will host a reception on Friday May 13th from 5 – 8 p.m. during the May ArtWalk. To enter and learn more, head to

    By Mairin Gwyn Narron, Office Manager

  • Artisans Affair 2022

    2022 is a great year to have this wonderful local Art event! After two years of trying, it's finally happening!

    ARTISTS that have already registered and paid: Please fill out a 2022 registration form. You will get a confirmation email or call about your status.

    ARTISTS that would like to register: Please fill out the online form (using QR code) or the form attached. You will get a confirmation upon payment.

    Limited booth space is available.
    Limited food/dring sample booths are available.

    Thank you to Munden Funeral Home for sponsoring this first ever, annual ARTISANS AFFAIR EVENT!

    Erin Knight
    Executive Director
    Havelock Chamber of Commerce
    252.447.1101 or 252.725.4098
    P.O. Box 21
    Havelock, NC 28532

  • Bank of the Arts National Juried Exhibition

    The Craven Arts Council is seeking artists for their upcoming biennial exhibition, the Bank of the Arts National Juried Exhibition. This biennial exhibition is Craven Arts Council’s signature exhibition with over 130 artworks and over 600 entries in the 2020 Bank of the Arts National Juried Exhibition. Interested artists can apply through CaFE ( Call for Entry) after March 1st. Entry fee is $30 for CAC&G members and $35 nonmembers. Deadline to enter is May 21, 2022.

    The incredibly popular Bank of Arts National Juried Exhibition showcases the talents of both local and national artists. There are five categories for entry: Contemporary Craft, Indoor Sculpture, 2D, Photography and outdoor sculpture. The 2022 Bank of the Arts National Juried Exhibition offers $5,000 in awards, including the $1,500 CAC&G Permanent Collection Purchase Award.

    The show’s juror will be Maya Brooks, the Mellon Foundation Assistant Curator at the North Carolina Museum of Art. Brooks’s professional mission is to provide equitable museum experiences for diverse populations. Overall, she strives to restore access, inclusion, and agency in the museum field for marginalized communities.

    For more information on the exhibition and the terms and conditions, please visit and for any further questions, please call at 252-638-2577 or send an email.

    By Mairin Gwyn, Development Director