Funded by the Twin Rivers Artists’ Association, the purpose of this grant is to fund supplies for an innovative “hands-on” art project that our art teachers would most likely have funded using their own money. Teachers may apply for up to $250 to pay for materials needed for their art projects. The awarding was made at the December principals' meeting. Eight grants are awarded for a total of $2,000 to the following art teachers:

• Art is for Everyone, $250.00 - Andrew Craddock, A.H. Bangert Elementary

• Watercolor Paintings, $250 – Tracy Rayner, Roger Bell New Tech Academy

• Planes Project, $250 – Emily Kiefer, W.J. Gurganus Elementary

• The Very Hungry Caterpillar Comes Alive, $250 – Elizabeth Connell, H.J. MacDonald Middle

• Please! Can We Sew, Too?!, $250 – Leah Yurk, Oaks Road Academy

• Kente Cloth Creators, $250 – Sarah Palmer, Trent Park Elementary

• Plein Air Painting – Unplugged, $250 - Kati Kameroski, West Craven Middle

• Makerspace or Creative Stations, $250 – Michele Cameron, Arthur W. Edwards Elementary

Congratulations to the Fine Art Educators in Craven County. We are so proud of their hard work and continued excellence in teaching!
Thank you to the Twin Rivers Artists Association for providing the funding for our yearly grants.

Respectfully submitted,
Pat Ellington
TRAA Art Chair

Pat Ellington presenting a check to Darlene Brown for $2000.